Learn faster & win bigger with FastFocus’ investment-grade customer intelligence

Jeff Edwards & Jacob Miller – FastFocus Data Scientists

Jeff Edwards & Jacob Miller – FastFocus Data Scientists

As you know, yesterday’s market research tools are becoming less and less effective in learning what today’s customers desire.

Meanwhile, most of the “new agile” class of tools are just shortened, water-downed versions of the old tools. Don’t settle. Let us show you how FastFocus delivers the investment grade customer intelligence you need to win.

We were asked to prove that FastFocus is a faster, better, and more cost-effective mobile-first market research solution so we did!  Read our white papers


VIDEO: Introduction to FastFocus

Learn how FastFocus enables our customers to get answers and insights today at a fraction of the cost, time and resources vs. traditional research.

VIDEO: The FastFocus Passion Score

Learn how we help our customers break through the noise to win!

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FastFocus offers you the capability to ask your participants demographic and behavioral questions at the start of study.

This enables researchers to filter the study’s results by the answers to these questions.


Passion Score

What is it?
The passion score captures the percentage of customers that are passionate toward an idea. The survey environment is constructed so survey respondents can be, at most, passionate toward only a few ideas.

How it measured?
0 – 100, representing the percent of customers who are positively passionate about an idea.

How is it calculated?
The FastFocus algorithm uniquely identifies which customers are passionate toward specific ideas using individualized passion thresholds.

The FastFocus approach is especially apt for those intent on generating buzz and engaging the core consumers who drive the value of a product
Which of our proposed new products are consumers excited to see? Which feature in our app should be prioritized to develop customer loyalty and build a passionate core following? Five competing designs have been suggested for our pilot study, but only two may be tested. Which of the two should be selected?



Idea Score

What is it?
The “average” consensus of each idea.

How it measured?
Average tokens for each idea.

How is it calculated?
Respondents allocate their tokens positively, negatively, or allocate no tokens at all. Average tokens is calculated for each idea.

When to use it?
Identify the consensus. How will the idea be received generally? Takes into account those who dislike or are apathetic toward an idea. Combine with Passion Score to understand both those who love the idea and those outside of the passionate core. Idea Score is directly comparable among ideas to assess general market acceptance.



What is it?
The degree to which an idea is polarizing, or loved and disliked in equal numbers.

How is it measured?
0 – 100. 100 is an equal split between those who love and dislike an idea, while a score of 0 means all respondents either loved or disliked the idea. A 3:1 split receives a score of 50.

How is it calculated?
FastFocus algorithm uses a variant of purity indices to compare the proportion of those who are passionate to those who dislike it.

Our Advanced Analytics Offerings: Proven analytics enhanced by FastFocus!

FastFocus: TURF Analysis

  • TURF Analysis is an acronym for Total Unduplicated Reach and Frequency

  • FastFocus’ propriety TURF analysis enables brands to identify the most profitable product portfolio and marketing campaigns possible

  • By conducting TURF analysis, businesses are able to:

    • Maximize the number of unduplicated consumers who will choose particular products from a specific product line

    • Optimize their product lines by eliminating low-return products while maintaining maximum unduplicated consumer reach

    • Predicts the amount of return on investment that each individual product and marketing campaign investment brings

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FastFocus: Value Analysis

  • Value Analysis identifies consumers’ values for different attributes in bundled products

  • This type of analysis is especially critical when a limited number of bundles are available and attributes are synergistic, such as when dark chocolate is more valued by consumers when nuts are included

  • Value analysis provides clarity for specific decisions:

    • Advertising: What is the value of our brand for a specific product and attributes?

    • Pricing: How much would consumers pay to add or improve a feature?

    • Offering: With limited shelf space, which offerings should we place?

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Get answers and insights today at a fraction of the cost, time and resources vs. traditional research.

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