Accelerating Healthcare
Innovation & Adoption


The global health care sector continues to meet the new challenges presented by the ongoing pandemic, which continues to dominate health care systems’ attention and resources.


FastFocus Health Managing Director:

Glenna Crooks, Ph.D. was a Presidential Appointee, responsible for public health policy, including for vaccines. She was also the Global Vice President of Merck’s Vaccine Business and, as founder and CEO of Strategic Health Policy International, Inc., was a consultant to vaccine companies and governments worldwide addressing tough vaccine and immunization system challenges. She is currently co-Founder of the CogentSage Group and her groundbreaking ethnographic research on support networks is the topic of her latest book, “The NetworkSage: Realize Your Network Superpower.”


The global health care sector continues to meet the new challenges presented by the ongoing pandemic, which continues to dominate health care systems’ attention and resources.

This calls for a shift towards new models of care that involve acting earlier to prevent, diagnose and treat diseases, and harnessing transformative innovations to improve patient outcomes.

A more sustainable future for health relies on both new innovative treatments and drugs and an increased ability to overcome the challenges faced by a significant population of patients that are hesitant to adopt these remedies.

FastFocus Health was established to enable our partners better understand their customers concerns and develop targeted communications to address them.



As a worldwide pandemic and rampant disinformation continue, delivering the right healthcare message to the right person is essential.

In partnership with Glenna Crooks PHD, FastFocus is expanding our market research capabilities to include the biopharmaceuticals and healthcare industry.

Dr. Crooks has vast experience in government and biopharmaceuticals and developed an innovative support-network framework. FastFocus has a behavior insights platform that offers faster, more efficient, superior market research results.  Collaborating as FastFocus Health, we will help biopharma and healthcare companies to craft better messages and deliver them via more influential messengers to achieve positive healthcare outcomes.

Our first study was presented at the Intellus Worldwide Summit ( in March of 2022. It was the first in our series of vaccine hesitancy studies.

You can access the paper here   Contact us to learn more



Network Determinants of Health – Glenna Crooks PHd.

People in health care today are familiar with the Social Determinants of Health. Underlying many of those elements are a person’s networks and what I call the Network Determinants of Health. We are not solitary figures. We live and work within multiple networks, each composed of people who provide us with different kinds of support.

Over the last decade I dedicated my efforts to researching and codifying the Network Determinants of Health. And now in partnership with FastFocus we can implement this methodology in an important and meaningful way that will help our Healthcare and Pharma partners better understand their customers in order to better communicate benefits and overcome
patients natural hesitancy to new treatments and drugs.

In my research, I identified eight networks that support working adults. I call the first five birthright networks because we’re born into them. I call the next three coming-of-age networks because we mature into them.



Health and Vitality Network

This network includes those who help us be healthy, fit, and look good. Recent studies show that health is a bigger predictor of wealth than education, making this a more important network than most people realize.


Education and Enrichment Network.

This network includes those involved in all levels of formal education, including daycare, pre-school, and before- and after-school care programs. This one is among the most disrupted networks during the pandemic. 


Family Network

This network includes the family of origin and other families that a parent has been part of, including the one they create for their children and any former families from past relationships. 


Spiritual Network

This network includes those in congregations and houses of worship or others outside those formal settings focusing on what is spiritual and meaningful in life. This network supports humankind’s search for meaning, particularly during difficult times and in the face of inexplicable events. In that case, it’s no wonder that canceling in-person services resulted in so much pushback. 



Above is results for all segments
Below is example of segment filtering.


Social and Community Network

This network includes neighbors, friends, and those in the community, clubs, civic organizations, and social media platforms. This network offers safe water, streets, access to healthy food, and mass transit. Public health systems that provided testing and vaccination programs are part of this network.


Career/Job Network

This network includes people in a workplace: bosses, direct reports, colleagues, and cross-functional or support teams. It also includes a company’s clients, customers, and suppliers. No network has been immune to pandemic disruptions, but this is one is the sources of near-daily stories about how we’re adapting to new ways of working.


Home and Personal Affairs Network

This network includes those who help protect, maintain, and improve household and personal property and provide legal and financial advice. Our research revealed that this was one of the most under-developed of most adults’ networks


Ghost Network

This network includes people who are not currently physically present in a person’s life because they have passed away, moved away, or drifted away as life changed. Before they left, however, they often taught us things that affect us today




Executive Summary  

This study was the first to explore which messengers were most likely to influence a parent’s decisions about whether to immunize their children to protect them from Covid 19.  Specifically, it used a framework developed by Dr. Glenna Crooks in more than a decade of research that identified a set of eight distinct networks that supported adults.

In this study, parents were asked to identify which of their networks they would engage to help determine whether to immunize their children.

In addition, it determined that the FastFocus market research method was a viable way to explore public health markets and marketing. It is simple for research subjects, attractive for younger cohorts, faster and more budget-friendly than other methods, and delivers actionable insights in real-time which is flexibility lacking in public health, especially when fast-moving issues emerge such as during the pandemic.   

Click Here for the Study Results:


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