Break through the noise to win your category


Today, regularly taking the customers’ pulse is essential to gaining a significant competitive advantage. 

Brand stewards need to know: Which products, packaging, marketing messages and features, are most effective in today’s dynamic market. Unfortunately, traditional market research tools — surveys and focus groups — fail to adequately engage consumers in vetting their offerings in the mobile commerce environment.

FastFocus created its prediction and preference survey environment for the purpose of more fully engaging consumers, encouraging more thoughtful responses, and gleaning profound insights quickly, while minimizing survey fatigue. 

  • The FastFocus Passion Score allows differentiating between the top options by identifying the size and intensity of consumers feelings about the idea. 

  • Using a gamified experience to mirror the typical mobile commerce experience,the survey enables brands to measure their creative content at all mobile commerce customer touchpoints.

  • The Passion Score calculates the percentage of customers who are passionate about an idea or prediction using a proprietary algorithm that considers the number of tokens available to be invested, the number of ideas/predictions presented, and the investment patterns of individual respondents.

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How the FastFocus Passion Score® Works

Reweights the data to uncover actual sentiments

Transactional density token allocation and gusto for an idea are nonlinear. Ideas more enthusiastically invested in get more weight.

Negative token value respondents are less likely to spend tokens against an idea; thus, negative votes are weighted more significantly.

Normalizes for comparison

Scores by idea are normalized to represent how well an idea did whether you have 3 or 20 questions. This normalization also helps compare responses across similar markets.

Statistically analyzes to makes decisions

Responses are analyzed using a non-parametric statistical test to ensure that response sample sizes by idea are significantly large to determine a clear winners.

 “FastFocus combines an engaging user experience with nuanced, actionable results. The Passion Score, enables us to test and refine ideas with speed, confidence, and at half the cost of many other methods.”

Julie Schlack, SVP Product Innovation, C Space
